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    KYC Registry: your organization achieve KYC compliance the required information

    The industry in more than 130 bilateral exchanges bank business relationship.Every time a new relationship, or need to update the information, Banks are facing huge administrative burden.However, ensure that the bank and its downstream relationship to carry out the detailed due diligence, timely and accurate, and never like now is very important.

    Standardization of management and the exchange of KYC data needs to be an effective sharing platform, KYC Registry satisfy this requirement.Swift, cooperate with the world's largest bank defines a set of data and file sets, in response to different jurisdictions KYC requirements.

    You can upload your file to the Registry, and share with the selected institutions, it is completely free of charge.Swift to strict verification of data, if the data is incomplete or needs to be updated, we will inform you, if your organization's data changes, we will remind the bank.

    Please share the information your organization through the Registry of a bank, in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

    Learn more aboutThe function of the Registry.

    Contact us

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    The New
    KYC Registry case study: Lloyd's bank
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    KYC definition, the information in the Registry has industry can conform to the requirements of the various jurisdictions KYC.After extensive validation, and USES the standardized format


    Swift Traffic Profile to neutral and objectively reflect your organization sanctioned by using FI network risk.To supplement the information in the Registry

    KYC Adverse Media

    The new service for your organization's customer due diligence (CDD) to provide comprehensive and high quality of news and public information.

    Ready to join KYC Registry



    Last update: 3, April 2020

    KYC Registry factsheet

    The detail on how to make global KYC around easier.

    Last update: 2015年9月2

    Swift Traffic Profile factsheet

    Explains how to get around all over the from unique Swift data

    Last update: 13 another awarding 2019

    KYC Registry ordering guide

    What you need to do to complete your order.

    Enable the KYC Registry

    Learn about The KYC Registry information

    Our document center has information, guidelines, and you need to know, with the KYC Registry on all matters.

    Plan how to work

    KYC Registry enables your organization to process simple and efficient management.First, make sure you want included in the list of legal entities.Still need to choose your organization's user/administrator, and specify its identity.


    If the data is ready to upload to the Registry, all the steps we will guide your organization operation, and validation before release information.

    Make a profit

    Now, you can start using KYC Registry.Share data and receive counterparty become very simple.

    KYC Registry can help improve the efficiency of your organization

    Multinational Banks

    Need not is the same information by different department issued a request for many times.Now, by a single source can obtain high quality KYC data: KYC Registry

    Regional Banks

    To your organization's main correspondent feedback quality and validated data, to help the bank to meet the requirements in operation of all jurisdictions.

    Fund companies

    Solve by trading for the middle and different requests, using different formats and the different requirements and cause problems.KYC Registry is your organization the exchange of standardization and experience the KYC single source of data.

    The central bank

    KYC Registry to financial institutions to provide KYC information of global best practices, to increase transparency and promote efficient compliance.
