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    Sanctions List Distribution through standardized XML format to download the latest publicly available Sanctions List support your organization compliance work.


    Keep sanctions list and filtering system in the new state, is vital for ensuring effective compliance, but it is a huge job: collected and reorganized from the sanctions list public resources data time consuming, and may lead to information gap and implementation delays.Even use list from data provider may still format problems and delays caused by the non-standard data formats.

    Our Distribution service ended the Sanctions List are artificial regeneration and formatting requirements, enables you to focus on the management of your organization filtering system updates and alerts.As we金融犯罪合规产品组件中的一项共享服务,它针对全行业的需求提供了一项极具成本效益的解决方案。


    This service has been launched, covers the most commonly used public sanctions list, including the eu, OFAC and a list of the United Nations released.Subsequent will add more list, to support our customers sanctions compliance.

    We will launch in 2017 the List Management Service.A hosted solution will enable customers to manage a variety of different lists, such as public sanctions list, the list of proprietary and third-party suppliers list and politically sensitive characters (PEP).Customers can also be through a centralized platform customize their own list of data sources.List data source will be customized, according to each customer organization policy to comply with the requirements of the screening system.

    Sanctions List Distribution


    Sanctions List Distribution automatic update public Sanctions List and do the formatting, don't need artificial search, update, and formatting.


    At any time when need to download the latest public sanctions list of XML format.Then you can concentrate on the quick update their institutions filter system, to avoid delays and information gap.




    最后更新: 2021年11月25日

    Sanctions List Distribution factsheet for Banks


    最后更新: 26 August 2016



    最后更新: 2017年4月21日


